Breen Township Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
Mission Covenant Church Fellowship Hall
DATE June 5, 2023 Time 6:00_ PM
Attending: all board members, plus Rob Fox, Belva Gustafson, Debbie Milligan, Jim Waisanen, Kris Murray
The public hearing started at 6 pm. Tax Assessor, Jim Waisanen explained how the township has to adopt millage rates to support the 2023-24 budget. He recommended that we adopt last years millage rate of 1.1592 tonight as a part of adopting our final budget.
No comments from the public during the public hearing.
Mickey Reynolds made a motion to close the public hearing at 6:10 pm, which was supported by Katie Dixon and passed 5 to 0.
PRAYER - Gus Murray led in prayer
In attendance: Rob Massie, Katie Dixon, Gus Murray, Travis Woodward, Mickey Reynolds
Also attending: Rob Fox, Belva Gustafson, Debbie Milligan, Jim Waisanen,
Kris Murray[left after citizen’s time]
3. Input by Members
Gus Murray brought up several things:
There is a smaller tree that has to come down in the cemetery. Several people thanked us for removing the large dead spruce.
The beach volleyball court should be put in soon. Many people are anxious to play.
Water tank at the cemetery needs to be set up.
A flag pole at the Hardwood baseball field is needed.
Pension plan changes for Travis Woodward was explained.
Rob Massie – reported that we may have to find a new attorney.
4. Citizen’s Time
Belva Gustafson asked about the township pension. She said that there have been no additions to her account since before December last year. Gus will check into this.
Debbie Milligan questioned the meeting minutes from the last few months.
5. Approve/Amend Agenda
Discussion: The agenda for tonight’s meeting had to have a few changes and an addition. We changed number 13. New Business A to read “Approve millage rate for 2023-24 and adopt the budget. To 13C we added Board of Review member needed. To 13D we added Outhouse at Peterson Park.
Katie Dixon made a motion to approve the agenda with the additions listed, which was supported by Mickey Reynolds and passed 5 to 0.
6. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING [presented on-line and on paper by Gus Murray]
Motion to accept by: Rob Massie supported by: Katie Dixon Vote: passed 5 to 0.
1. General Fund Checking $ 14131.30
2. Money Market $ 339480.40
3. Roads Checking $ 625.18
4. Roads Savings $ 199452.13
5. River Valley Fire Dept. Checking $ 236905.67
6. Commercial Savings account $ 87808.70
Katie included Fun League spending which leaves a balance of $1772.52 in the Fun League and the balance of $2017.11 in the Oscar Johnson Fund.
Motion to accept by: Rob Massie Support by: Mickey Reynolds Vote: passed 5 to 0 on a roll call vote
1. Gus Murray - Return postage for cemetery flags $10.55
- Flag for H. Hall baseball field 15.89
- Twp mower oil change 18.00
2 Joe Basso – repairs to clerk’s computer 20.00
3. Da Hardwood Store [Hardwood Hall gas] 42.82
4. MTA dues 470.92
5. Stenberg Brothers [ pump park toilets] 650.00
6. August Elm Builders [ H park toilet] 1547.07
F.D. Checking / Debit Card
1. NAPA {Fire Dept. batteries} 433.47
Motion to pay the bills by : Katie Dixon Support by: Rob Massie
Vote: passed 5 to 0 on a roll call vote
9. COMMUNICATIONS – Harry Peterson Road looks completed
10. Parks + Rec. – Belva Gustafson reported on the parks.
11. Fire Dept. Report – Rob Fox reported about three mutual aid calls made.
Gus Murray asked if the Fire Dept. chainsaw has turned up yet.
Rob Fox said that Dave Bandy donated a chainsaw to the Fire Dept.
And he did also.
Katie Dixon congratulated Rob Fox on completing and passing his
firefighters one and two courses. He had a total of 1160 miles to be
reimbursed for the classes.
A. Approve millage rates to support the 2023-24 budget and adopt the budget
After some discussion, Gus Murray made a motion to adopt the budget for 2023-24 as well as the operating millage rate of 1.1592mills to support the budget, which is the same as last year. Travis Woodward supported this motion and it passed on a roll call vote 5 to 0.
B. Lawn Mower – much discussion was held about the township lawn mowers, which are in bad shape. Travis said that Hall’s True Value has a Husky MZ54 zero turn for $5399 and they have good service. Katie Dixon made a motion to purchase this mower from Hall’s which was supported by Rob Massie and passed on a roll call vote 5 to 0. This mower will only be used at the Hardwood Hall. The Club Cadet and the John Deere will be used at Stromberg Park.
C. Board of Review member needed – We will post for this job.
D. Outhouse at Peterson Park – Discussion was held about the bad shape that this outhouse is in.
Travis Woodward made a motion to have August Elm Builders replace this outhouse, which was supported by Katie Dixon and passed 5 to 0.
Township Employee job postings
We need to post all township jobs at this time. The jobs are as follows:
1. Hardwood Hall Caretaker
2. Dump Caretaker
3. Stromberg Park campsite overseer
4. Hardwood Hall Mowing, Stromberg Park mowing and Parks garbage removal
5. Mowing Township properties
6. Cemetery mowing
Katie Dixon made a motion to post these jobs and receive replies by June 20th at 4 pm, which was supported by Rob Massie and passed 5 to 0.
Rob Massie made a motion to appoint Scott Gustafson on a temporary basis to do the Hardwood Hall mowing, Stromberg Park mowing and parks garbage removal until we can hire someone to do this job. This was supported by Katie Dixon and passed 5 to 0 on a roll call vote.
Land Swap – Both Rob Massie and Debbie Milligan tried to contact the lawyer about this topic and still no luck.
Katie Dixon: Reported that at our February meeting we talked about changing our pension plan from Bright house to someone else and Gus said he would look into that. Gus Murray said he had talked to the guy that is our pension broker. Gus will contact him again to see what our options are.
Rob Massie: None
Gus Murray: None
Travis Woodward: None
Mickey Reynolds: Asked about minutes being sent to board members and citizens on the same email list. It was decided that the board will be sent minutes on a separate email from citizens that request the minutes. It was also decided that citizens have to request the minutes each month in order to get them.
15. Motion to Adjourn by: Katie Dixon at 7:34 pm Support by: Rob Massie
Vote: passed 5 to 0.