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Breen Township Monthly Board Meeting Minutes Mission Covenant Church Fellowship Hall DATE February 6, 2023 Time 6:00_ PM

PRAYER - led by Gus Murray


2.ROLL CALL In attendance: Rob Massie, Katie Dixon, Gus Murray, Travis Woodward, Mickey Reynolds Also attending: Debbie Milligan, Robert Fox, Belva Gustafson, Clayton Dixon

3. Input by Members

Gus Murray spoke about the township pension plan. We currently have it with Bright House Financial. Some people in other townships have been experiencing problems getting their money on time. It can take from 3 to 6 months to get money from them at times. We discussed the possibility of switching to a different company. Gus will look into this further. The dead spruce in the cemetery was discussed again. We will try to cut it down and drag it into the gravel pit by the Fire Hall to burn it. Gus said that he will be ordering cemetery flags soon. Gus questioned the increase in the electric bill at the Hardwood Hall. The reason for the increase was discussed. Mickey Reynolds thanked the Fire Dept. and all those responsible for freezing the ice rink.

4. Citizen’s Time - NONE

5. Approve/Amend Agenda Motion by: Katie Dixon Support by: Rob Massie Vote: Passed 5 to 0.

6. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING [presented on-line and on paper by Gus Murray] Motion to accept by: Rob Massie supported by: Katie Dixon Vote: passed 5 to 0.


1. General Fund Checking $ 4898.60

2. Money Market $ 329582.68

3. Roads Checking $ 625.18

4. Roads Savings $ 161554.23

5. River Valley Fire Dept. Checking $ 222479.77

6. Commercial Savings account $ 87765.40

7. Parks Checking Account $ 29020.83

8. O.J. Memorial Fund $ 2017.

Motion to accept by : Gus Murray Support by: Rob Massie Vote: Passed on a roll call vote 5 to 0.

8.REVIEW MONTHLY BILLS and TWP MAIL 1. Joe Nurmi [ F65 report for 2020-21] 300.00 2. CUPPAD [annual dues] 100.00 3. Election Source [election machine maintenance] 615.00 4. Travis Woodward [snow plowing] 605.00 Fire Hall 225 Peterson park 200 Dump 120 H. Hall 60 TOTAL 1620.00 F.D. Checking / Debit Card A question on fire dept. check number 1142 from last month was asked. It was reported that it was for radios, but it was supposed to be for books. A motion to pay the bills was made by Katie Dixon and supported by Rob Massie and passed on a roll call vote 5 to 0.

9. COMMUNICATIONS Rob Massie reported that Premier Plumbing + heating checked out the furnaces at the Hardwood Hall and the fire Hall. The Hardwood Hall furnace will only last about one year according to Dustin Miller of PP+H. Rob also reported that we will have to replace the Hardwood hall lawn mower before this summer. Rob reported that the tower in Foster City has no plans to be added to as of yet. Rob reported that there was a complaint from someone with a camp on the White Post Road about the road Rally race held in August in our township.

10. Parks + rec. report Belva Gustafson reported that the hardwood Hall is rented out for April 15, 2023 for a birthday party.

11. Fire Dept. report- Erin and Roger are working on reports that have to be sent to the State of Michigan.


A. Amend 2022-23 budget – Discussion was held about this year’s budget. Gus explained that we will be over budget in several categories. We will need to add to the following categories: Cemetery add $8500, Fire dept. add $500, insurance add $2000, Township Hall add $9000, Township Office expenses add $900, Web Site add $4400. We only have $10000 in our Rainy day fund so we will have to add $17000 from Money Market to cover the adjustments needed. Mickey Reynolds made a motion to transfer $17000 from the Money Market Fund to the Rainy Day Fund in the 2022-23 budget, which was supported by Katie Dixon and passed on a roll call vote 5 to 0. As Gus was reading the different funds that needed to be adjusted he realized a mistake he made in the earlier part of this report. The Township Hall fund only needs $1000 added to it not the $9000. This means we only have to transfer $9000 to this year budget to cover the overages. Mickey Reynolds made a motion to amend his previous motion from $17000 to $9000, which was supported by Katie Dixon and passed on a roll call vote 5 to 0. Katie Dixon made a motion to pass the amended motion, which was supported by Rob Massie and passed on a roll call vote 5 to 0. Gus apologized for the confusion. Gus Murray made a motion to amend the 2022-23 budget as follows: Transfer from the Rainy Day fund the following amounts: Add $8500 to the Cemetery Fund, Add $500 to the Fire Dept. Fund, Add $2000 to the insurance fund, Add $1000 to the Hardwood Hall Fund, add $900 to the Township Office Expense Fund, and add $4400 to the web site fund. Mickey Reynolds supported this motion and it passed 5 to 0 on a roll call vote.

B. Possible Public Hearing – Rob Massie said he would like to have a public hearing soon to explain the cost of various things to the township. He said that to pave the Fordville road from M69 to the north end of the Causeway at the Hardwood Impoundment would cost $1,900,175. He would like people to know of such costs. He said he would like to do this in March 2023 sometime.

C. Bids for SCBA tanks – We have a township interested in the SCBA[Self Contained Breathing Apparatus] tanks that we have. We have 12 Scott 2216 tanks that are new in the box that we do not need. Gus will post a request for bids on these 12 tanks. The minimum bid will be set at $8000. The bid deadline will be at 3pm on March 6, 2023. All bids must be in writing with the words SCBA tank bid on the outside of the envelope. Katie Dixon made a motion to put these tanks out on bids which was supported by Rob Massie and passed 5 to 0.


A. Land Swap – Nothing heard from our Lawyer as of yet.

B. UTV rescue rig – Travis Woodward reported that there is a need for a UTV Rescue rig so the snowmobile trails can be accessed. The TTAA has discussed this option. The TTAA would like to see involvement from the three townships involved plus the TTAA. Travis and Katie both talked about the need for this unit. The unit would cost about $50000 which could be divided by four [ 3 township and the TTAA].

14. Citizen’s Time #2 Debbie Milligan talked about the 100+ women who care group. They give funds to various projects in our area. The group meets twice a year. She said that we might try to get a donation from them to fund this UTV rescue unit. Clayton Dixon asked when the ambulance is going to be moved to Felch. The reply was soon. Rob Fox asked about the license plates from the old rescue rig. They are in the Fire Hall.

15. INPUT BY MEMBERS Katie Dixon: reported that the spectrum bill from last month was for $56.56. She also reported that the Parks + Rec. fund and the O.J. Memorial Fund will be closed soon and moved into the Money Markey account. Rob Massie: None Gus Murray: None Travis Woodward: None Mickey Reynolds: None

16. Motion to Adjourn by: Travis Woodward at 7:19 pm Support by: Katie Dixon Vote: Passed 5 to 0.

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