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January 2, 2023 Breen Twp. Meeting Minutes


Breen Township Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

Mission Covenant Church Fellowship Hall

DATE January 2, 2023 Time 6:00_ PM





In attendance: Rob Massie, Katie Dixon, Gus Murray, Travis Woodward, Mickey Reynolds[absent]

Also attending: Roger Nord, Debbie Milligan, Rob Fox, Belva Gustafson

4. Input by Members

Gus Murray talked about the dead tree in the cemetery that needs to be removed. It would be best if it could be done in the winter.

5. Citizen’s Time

Debbie Milligan wanted two things added to the Dec.5 minutes. Under 12 B Bid Policy and under 14 Citizen’s time #2. It was decided to leave 12 B bid Policy as it was written. Under 14 Citizen’s time #2 we agreed to add “Mickey Reynolds said that only input by board members needs to be reported as it pertains to the agenda.” after the first sentence.

6. Approve/Amend Agenda

Motion by: Katie Dixon Support by: Rob Massie Vote: Passed 4 to 0

7. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING [presented on-line and on paper by Gus Murray]

Motion to accept by: Katie Dixon moved to accept as amended supported by: Rob Massie

Vote: passed 4 to 0


1. General Fund Checking $ 11958.36

2. Money Market $ 314291.64

3. Roads Checking $ 625.18

4. Roads Savings $ 133161.10

5. River Valley Fire Dept. Checking $ 216959.58

6. Commercial Savings account $ 87754.68

7. Parks Checking Account $ 29020.83

8. O.G. Johnson Memorial Fund $ 2017.11

Motion to accept by: Gus Murray Support by: Rob Massie Vote: passed 4 to 0 on a roll call



1. Luft’s Advertiser [Tax Printing-winter taxes] 722.71

2. Spectrum election supplies [cards for printing] 56.66

3. Travis Woodward [snowplowing] 1230.00

TOTAL 2009.37

Roads Checking

1. Dickinson County Road Commission [chloride treatment dust] 2481.25

Fire Dept Checking/ Debit card

1. Michigan State Firemen’s Association 144.62

Motion to pay the bills by : Katie Dixon Support by: Rob Massie

Vote: passed on a roll call vote 4 to 0


11. Parks + Rec. - None

12. Fire Dept. report

Roger Nord – Foster City ice rink was discussed. It is not ready yet. Roger Nord and Robert

Fox will work on getting it ready.

- The new truck needs some repairs.

- The Fire Hall heating problem was discussed. The thermostats seem to have a problem. Rob Massie will call someone to service the Fire Hall furnace.


A. Harry Peterson Road – we approved $100,000 spending limit in October 2022, but the county bid is for $112,761. The project distance has been increased some. Some discussion was held about the project. Travis Woodward made a motion to increase our spending limit on repaving the Harry Peterson Road to $115,000, which was supported by Katie Dixon. The motion passed on a roll call vote 4 to 0.

  1. No Parking Enforcement – the parking restriction to park on only one side of the road at the fill across the Hardwood Impoundment on Fordville Road was discussed. Rob Massie said that the Dickinson County Road Commission changed the definition of the fill to a “causeway”, which means that the parking ban can be enforced. Rob Massie made a motion to support this change which was supported by Katie Dixon and passed 4 to 0.

  1. Ice rink – discussed earlier

  1. Road Rally races- Rob Massie reported that some townships do not want to continue to allow

The road rally to be done in their townships. Rob reported that the Hardwood Store does an increase in business the day of the road rally race in our township. The Road rally people would like to do two races in our township this year. The one on Camp 3 road in August and one on the Calumet Mine Road in in June. Rob Massie made a motion to allow both races in our township this year. His motion was supported by Katie Dixon and passed 4 to 0.

  1. ¾ year budget report – Gus Murray handed out the ¾ spending totals in each budget category

for this fiscal year. The following categories are over budget and will have to be amended before the end of the year:

budgeted spent

Cemetery 3000.00 11277.86

Insurance 11000.00 12953.00

Township Office expenses 1000.00 1784.43

Web site 100.00 4500.00

Other categories we will have to keep our eye on are as follows:

Fire Dept. 8000.00 7049.30

Township Hall 8000.00 7419.31

Gus explained that the cemetery category is over because we purchased the new veteran’s plaque.

The web site had to be completely redone and cost $4500.


A. Land swap – Rob Massie reported on this. He said hopefully will get something from the lawyer by next month.

B. Bid procedure – Rob Massie talked to the MTA [Michigan Township Association] about

bids. He said the bids have to be sealed with a name on the envelope. We can refuse a bid if there are any problems before they are opened.

15. Citizen’s Time #2 1. Roger Nord – asked about signs for parking at the fill on Fordville Road.

This was discussed.


Katie Dixon: asked about the County grader that is parked at the Hardwood Hall and plugged in to our electrical system. It was discussed. They will be plowing at Stromberg Park from now on.

Rob Massie: Rob said we have to appoint a new constable now. Gus Murray reported that we only got one response of interest in the job. Emily Murray [A.J.] turned in a written interest in the job. Rob Massie made a motion to appoint Emily Murray to our constable position, which was supported by Katie Dixon and passed on a roll call vote 4 to 0.

She will start immediately.

Gus Murray: None

Travis Woodward: None

Mickey Reynolds: absent

17. Motion to Adjourn by: Katie Dixon at 6:54 pm Support by: Travis Woodward

Vote: Passed 4 to 0.

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