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July 3, 2023 Breen Township Meeting Minutes


Breen Township Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

Mission Covenant Church Fellowship Hall

DATE July 3, 2023 Time 6:00_ PM

PRAYER Led by Gus Murray





In attendance: Rob Massie, Katie Dixon, Gus Murray, Mickey Reynolds

Travis Woodward absent

Also attending: Debbie Milligan, Clayton Dixon, Rob Fox, Scott + Belva Gustafson

4. Approve/Amend the agenda

Katie Dixon explained the proposed changes to our agenda that were discussed with lawyer

Grant Carlson and the MTA lawyer. The proposed agenda would follow the following

outline from now on:


1. Call to order

2. Pledge to the flag

3. Roll call

4. Approval of meeting agenda

5. Reports from board officers

6. Correspondence

7. Brief public comment 3-minute time limit

8. Old Business

9. New Business

10. Board Privilege

11. Adjourn

Katie Dixon made a motion to use this format from now on and accept the agenda for

tonight’s meeting as presented using this format. It was supported by Rob Massie and passed

4 to 0.

5. Reports from Board Officers

A. Treasurer’s Report [ending balances]

1. General Fund $ 14695.94

2. Money Market $ 338599.10

3. Roads Checking $ 625.18

4. Roads Savings $ 199452.13

5. Fire Dept. Checking $ 236469.40

6. Commercial Savings $ 87808.70

7. Fun League funds $ 1772.52

8. Oscar Johnson Mem. $ 2017.11

Motion to accept by- Rob Massie Support by- Gus Murray

Vote: passed 4 to 0

B. Minutes from previous meeting

Motion to accept by – Katie Dixon Support by - Rob Massie

Vote: passed 4 to 0

6. Correspondence

A. Monthly Bills

1. Nordic Trading Post [F.D. Fuel] 127.00

2. Stenberg Brothers [Parks toilets pumped] 300.00

3. Health Dept. [Stromberg Park inspection] 234.00

4. Rob Massie [ supervisor printer ink] 44.50

5. White Water [Stromberg Park water test] 20.00

Fire Dept. Checking/Debit card

1. NAPA [Fire dept. supplies] 350.18

B. Parks – Belva reported all is good

C. F.D. Report – Rob Fox reported that Roger Nord resigned as Fire Chief because he is too

busy with his new business. The Fire dept. Voted to bring to the twp. board Rob Fox as the

new Fire Chief and Erin Raether as the F.D. Secretary.

Rob Massie made a motion to appoint Rob Fox as our new Fire Chief and Erin Raether as

our F.D. Secretary. It was supported by Katie Dixon and passed 4 to 0.

Debbie Milligan asked if we are applying for grants for the Fire Dept. Katie Dixon and Rob

Fox are working on them.

Katie Dixon thanked Rob Fox for his work on camp 911.

7 Brief public comment 3- minute time limit

A. Debbie Milligan spoke about the removal of the second citizen’s time at the June meeting..

Rob Massie replied about comments made and letters written to citizens.

Belva Gustafson spoke about citizen’s time.

Much discussion was held about citizen’s time.

Rob Fox talked about the township board doing a great job.

Clayton Dixon spoke about the good job the board is doing.

Belva Gustafson spoke about the good job the board is doing.


B. Land swap - nothing new. Clayton Dixon asked what this was. Rob Massie explained it.


A. Dickinson County Solid Waste Plan approval

Their proposal was discussed. Katie Dixon made a motion to accept their proposal, which

was supported by Rob Massie and passed 4 to 0.

B. Mouw + Cellelo contract

Discussion was held about Grant Carlson a lawyer with Mouw + Cellelo.

Rob Massie made a motion to hire Grant Carlson as our township lawyer, which was supported

by Katie Dixon and passed on a roll call vote 4 to 0.

C. Harry Peterson Road agreement – Bacco Construction fixed the water runoff problems.

Rob Massie made a motion to sign the agreement and

pay for the work done on the harry Peterson Road.

Katie Dixon supported it and the motion passed 4 to 0

on a roll call vote.

D. Job Postings Rob Massie and Katie Dixon held interviews before our meeting tonight. Rob

reported on the process. Rob made a motion to keep all the jobs as they are now plus adding

Joe Basso to mow the cemetery and Josiah Penniman to do the Board of review. Katie Dixon

supported this motion and it passed 4 to 0.

E Policy changes – Katie Dixon spoke about our policy manual. It hasn’t been updated since 2017.

Section 2.24 was read by Mickey Reynolds. Section 2.17 was also discussed.

We will go to one public comment time and each citizen can speak for 3

minutes on each agenda item when it is discussed.

Katie Dixon made a motion to change Section 2.17 and 2,24 to the following

[see below] which was supported by Rob Massie and it passed 4 to 0 on a roll

call vote.

Section 2.17 changed to:


1. Call to order

2. Pledge to flag

3. Roll Call

4. Approval of meeting agenda

5. Reports from board officers

6. Correspondence

7. Brief public comment 3-minute time limit

8. Old Business

9. New Business

10. Board Privilege

11. Adjourn

Section 2.24 changed to:

Members of the public shall have an opportunity, under Brief Public Comment, to address the board

for no more

than 3 minutes on any matter.

Members of the public may also address a specific agenda item for up to 3 minutes at the time the

item is taken

up by the board. The board may suspend the time limitation when warranted. Board discussion will


public comment on specific agenda items. Prior to calling for the question, the supervisor shall ask

any member

of the public who wishes to speak on the agenda item to be recognized. When all persons who wish

to address

that agenda item have been heard, the supervisor shall announce that public comment on the agenda

item is

concluded, and no further public comment shall be entertained.

10. Board Privilege

Katie Dixon – none

Rob Massie - none

Gus Murray – discussed the water tank at the cemetery and the tree that needs removal.

- Gus explained about the pension plan. If we change providers it has to be done

before the new fiscal year starts.

- Propane prebuy was received from U.P. Propane. Some discussion was held.

- Gus Murray made a motion to accept the prebuy price which was supported by

Katie Dixon and passed 4 to 0 on a roll call vote.

Travis Woodward – absent

Mickey Reynolds – None.

Supervisor asked if there were any other questions.

1. Rob Fox asked about the UTV progress. Discussion held.

2. Debbie Milligan asked about veteran’s tax exemptions. Discussion held.

3. Belva Gustafson asked about a plumber for the Hardwood Hall and we need a flag at the

Hardwood Hall. Discussion held.

4. Clayton Dixon asked about the work being done at Peterson Park. It was explained.

5. Debbie Milligan asked about the removal of the second citizen’s time. Rob Massie explained.

6. Rob Fox asked about road marking tape.

Rob Massie – explained that his health will not allow him to continue to do the supervisor’s job. He

said he will stay on until July 31, 2023. Gus Murray, reluctantly made a motion to accept his

resignation which was supported by Mickey Reynolds and passed 4 to 0.

Gus will post for applicants to fill in the rest of Rob’s term asap.

11. Adjourn Katie Dixon made a motion to adjourn which was supported by

Rob Massie and passed 4 to 0.

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