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May 1, 2023 Breen Twp. Board meeting Minutes


Breen Township Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

Mission Covenant Church Fellowship Hall

DATE May 1, 2023 Time 6:00_ PM

PRAYER - Led by Gus Murray



In attendance: Rob Massie, Katie Dixon, Gus Murray, Travis Woodward, Mickey Reynolds

Also attending: Belva Gustafson, Rob Fox, Clayton Dixon, Dave Bandy, Debbie Milligan

3. Input by Members

Gus Murray – reported that he ordered flags for the cemetery from American Flags Express, but they sent some of the wrong flags. He has emailed them about the problem and will get it corrected. The total cost is as of now $ 185.86.

Rob Massie – Talked about the Road Rally complaints. We have about 1400 parcels that taxes are paid on in our township and only one person is complaining and he is not a permanent resident. Rob will respond to this complaint.

4. Citizen’s Time

Debbie Milligan said that in the April meeting minutes there is a mistake. It should have added to the minutes that: the board decided to not have a public hearing meeting but the citizens could come to our regular meeting to express concerns.

5. Approve/Amend Agenda

Motion by: Katie Dixon Support by: Rob Massie Vote: Passed 5 to 0

6. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING [presented on-line by Gus Murray]

Discussion was held about the April meeting minutes.

Katie Dixon made a motion to approve the April meeting minutes with the addition of: “the board decided to not have a public hearing meeting but the citizens could come to our regular meeting to express concerns.” This was supported by Rob Massie and passed 5 to 0.


1. General Fund Checking $ 12365.22

2. Money Market $ 349899.10

3. Roads Checking $ 625.18

4. Roads Savings $ 199452.13

5. River Valley Fire Dept. Checking $ 236074.39

6. Commercial Savings account $ 87808.70

Motion to accept by: Rob Massie Support by: Travis Woodward Vote: passed on a roll call vote 5 to 0.


1. Election source [bar code reader] 85.50

2. Menards [Fun league act.] 313.19

3. Menards [Fun league Act.] 94.54

4. Steve Anderson [ linberg – fun league act] 90.52

5. Menards [ parks] 128.27

6. Nordic Trading post[ F.D. fuel] 100.00

  1. Gus Murray [cemetery flags] 185.86

TOTAL 997.88

Rob reported that he added Kris Stienbrecher to the Menards account until the baseball diamond is


Rob Massie made a motion to pay the bills which was supported by Katie Dixon and passed 5 to 0 on a roll call vote.


Harry Peterson Road – work has begun. Our bid price will cover more of the road then originally expected. It will go all the way to the second driveway into Florence and Dave Larson’s house.

Cell tower – no information yet.

10. Parks and Rec. – Belva said that the boat landing toilet needs repairs.

She also said that the Stromberg Park sign on Fordville road needs to be fixed.

11. Fire Dept. report – Rob Fox said that the Fire dept. decided that they only need four of the new SCBA tanks that they bought. This would mean that we could part with eight of them. Rob Massie said that if our old tanks are full they are still good for use. What to do with the eight tanks we don’t need will be decided soon.


A. Outhouse replacement – An unusual storm damaged two outhouses at the baseball field at the Hardwood Hall. Rob got two bids to build a new toilet. One was from August ELM builders for $3094.14 and the other was from Raether Construction for $4386. Travis Woodward made a motion to hire August ELM builders to do the job, which was supported by Katie Dixon and passed on a roll call vote 5 to 0. According to the bid ½ will be paid before work is done and the other ½ on completion.

B. Sand and gravel – Rob said that we need two loads of sand and one load of gravel at Stromberg Park and one load of sand at Peterson Park. Katie Dixon made a motion to buy these loads, which was supported by Travis Woodward and passed on a roll call vote 5 to 0.

C. Twp. employee – Belva Gustafson reported on what she does at each of the jobs she has for the township, which include Peterson Park, Stromberg Park, The Hardwood Hall, and the Dump/Transfer Station. She said that she makes 9 to 10 trips to Stromberg Park per week in the camping season. She asked for a raise to cover the gas mileage to get to work.

Rob said that Scott doing some of the work is a problem.

Much discussion was held about this topic.

Mickey Reynolds said we should have a report on the hours it takes Belva to do each of the jobs she has for the township. He also said that driving to the job is something that we all have to do. Debbie Milligan spoke about Belva’s gas costs.

It was decided to have Belva keep a record of the hours she works at each job in a month, so we can see if we are paying her fairly. This topic will be discussed again in a couple months.


  1. Land swap – Rob talked to the lawyer on Thursday and he said he is still working on it. Rob will call again soon.

  1. Rescue UTV – Rob reported that the TTAA has approved the ¼ cost of this unit at a cost

38576.09 total. West Branch has also approved their ¼ cost. Felch Twp. will decide it tonight. Rob Massie made a motion to approve up to $10000 for the purchase of a Rescue UTV which was supported by Mickey Reynolds and passed on a roll call vote 5 to 0.

  1. The dead spruce tree in the cemetery was discussed. It was decided that we will get a bid from Quentin Olson and from Manley Murray to see what it would cost use to have this tree removed.

14. Citizen’s Time #2

Dave Bandy – asked about the Fire dept. chainsaw that is missing. Rob Fox said that the Chainsaw went missing in March of this year. Dave Bandy would like to donate a chainsaw that he won in a raffle to the fire dept. We will try to find out what happened to our Fire Dept. chainsaw. We will get the serial number from where we bought it and use it to find the saw.


Katie Dixon: None

Rob Massie: Our dock at Stromberg Park needs to be adjusted due to ice damage.

Rob spoke to Belva about her job. Scott is only allowed to help at the dump.

Gus Murray: None

Travis Woodward: Travis talked about the great work being done at the baseball field in Hardwood.

Mickey Reynolds: None

16. Motion to Adjourn by: Katie Dixon at 7:30 pm Support by: Rob Massie

Vote: Passed 5 to 0.

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