Breen Township Monthly Board Meeting Minutes Mission Covenant Church Fellowship Hall DATE Oct. 3, 2022 Time 6:00_ PM PRAYER - Led by Mickey Reynolds
2.ROLL CALL In attendance: Rob Massie [absent], Katie Dixon, Gus Murray, Travis Woodward, Mickey Reynolds Also attending: Rob Fox, Debbie Milligan, Lisa Casey, Kevin Cary, Kathryn Cary
3. Input by Members Katie Dixon asked if we could make the Oscar Johnson Memorial account a line item in the Money Market account as we did with the Parks and Rec. account. Travis Woodward made a motion to do that which was supported by Mickey Reynolds and passed 4 to 0.
4. Citizen’s Time Debbie Milligan asked about the township website being down. It was explained that Joe Basso is working on the problem.
5. Approve/Amend Agenda Motion by: Katie Dixon to approve Support by: Travis Woodward Vote: passed 4 to 0
6. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING [presented on-line and on paper by Gus Murray] Motion to accept by: Katie Dixon supported by: Mickey Reynolds Vote: Passed 4 to 0.
7. TREASURES REPORT [Katie Dixon] 1. General Fund Checking $ 5168.26 2. Money Market $ 296057.13 3. Roads Checking $ 625.18 4. Roads Savings $ 133161.10 5. River Valley Fire Dept. Checking $ 216340.89 6. Commercial Savings account $ 87748.05 7. Parks Checking Account $ 29020.83 8. O. J. Memorial fund $ 2017.11 Motion to accept by : Travis Woodward Support by: Gus Murray Vote: passed on a roll call vote 4 to 0
8.REVIEW MONTHLY BILLS and TWP MAIL 1. Law office of Steven J. Tinti [real estate conference] 298.10 2. The daily News [zoning ad.] 130.94 TOTAL 429.04 F.D. Checking / Debit Card Total Motion to pay the bills by: Katie Dixon Support by: Travis Woodward Vote: passed on a roll call vote 4 to 0.
10. Parks and Rec. - none
11. Fire Dept. report – The rescue rig has been switched around. The moving of the ambulance to Felch was discussed. Kevin Cary reported that there is a Fire Chief’s meeting at Felch on Oct. 13 at 6:30 pm.
A. Dickinson County Road Commission [DCRC] project limit – The DCRC needs us to set a spending range for the possible Harry Peterson Road project due to potential cost increases. Travis Woodward made a motion to set the range for that project from $85000 to m$100000, which was supported by Katie Dixon and passed 4 to 0.
B. TRUST FUND GRANT – we need to decide on this grant. The easement issue which was not reported to the past township board is the problem. We would not be reimbursed for the grant unless we blocked people off from getting to their properties. After much discussion a motion to NOT pursue this grant was made by Katie Dixon and supported by Travis Woodward. Motion was passed 4 to 0.
A. Snow plowing bids – We received one bid which was opened at our meeting. The bid was from Travis Woodward and was for the following amounts: Hardwood Hall - $60 per plowing Firehall plow and salt with township salt - $75 per plowing or $125 if he provides the salt Peterson Park, Ice Rink + water hole for fire trucks - $100 per plowing Stromberg Park to boat launch - $60 per plowing Katie Dixon made a motion to hire Woodward Repair and Services to do our snow plowing at the bid amounts, which was supported by Gus Murray and passed 3 to 0 with Travis Woodward abstaining.
B. O.J. Memorial Sign – Gus reported that the sign materials were just received by United Sign and he should have it done soon. Jim Edberg for the VFW called and said the they voted to pay for the new sign at a cost of $400.
C. Rescue rig bids - Gus reported that he received 3 or 4 bids on the rescue rig. One he was not sure of because it was not stated on the envelope. It was decided to open the bids and they were as follows: 1. Marc Isaccson from Gladstone, MI $ 5155.99 2. Robert Snyder from Houghton Lake, MI $ 2100.00 3. Travis Woodward from Foster City, MI $ 2400.00 4. Brenda Cary from Hardwood, MI $ 3556.01 A letter from Brenda Cary to the township board was included in the bid envelope. Gus read it aloud. Much discussion was held about the bid process and which bid we could accept. Gus pulled up the township policy and procedure manual on his computer, but could not find anything on accepting bids. A motion to table the bids until we can contact the MTA was made by Travis Woodward and supported by Gus Murray, which passed 4 to 0. Katie Dixon will call the MTA to find out about bids being accepted.
14. Citizen’s Time #2 Lisa Casey spoke about the ambulance service and what the limits of use are. Kevin Cary spoke about use of the ambulance.
15. INPUT BY MEMBERS Katie Dixon: None Rob Massie: Absent Gus Murray: None Travis Woodward: None Mickey Reynolds: None
16. Motion to Adjourn by: Travis Woodward Support by: Katie Dixon Vote: Passed 4 to 0